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- Tifnie Ehmer
Tifnie Ehmer
321 Success Story | Aug 30, 2023
Featuring: Tifnie Ehmer

I am honored to be the very first spotlight for Florida’s 321! I am a lifelong 321’er, even BEFORE the area code became popular! I still remember the two before (407, 305) and the days before even having to dial an area code to make a local call! Ok, so I just aged myself a tad on that one, but heck success comes from life experiences and boy do I have those, but that’ll be for another newsletter! This one is about my successes in the business world!
I have been an entrepreneur for well over 20 years! While in the corporate world, I got my toes wet in the direct sales/network marketing world. I started a cleaning business 13 years ago and it’s still running strong!
Consistency & Goal Setting
Consistency is the key in any business! Developing strategies, habits, and sticking to them.
I think with anything in life, including business, you must set goals! Set a BIG one and then set little ones to help achieve it, so you can celebrate those little successes too and realize you ARE making progress to the bigger picture!
Get a calendar and plan out your strategies! WRITE it down! Amidst the sea of technology, I still go old school and have handwritten calendars everywhere! I believe with handwriting I retain more, and I hardly ever erase, I mark through and move on… so I can see adjustments being made as they arise.
Often, I hear people say…I just don’t have time. With two kids in sports, a husband with medical issues, and me being the sole breadwinner, I could easily say I don’t have time as well. I find if you print out a daily calendar from 6am to 12am, you can jot down the time frames in which you have to do things and then you can easily see from there where you DO have free time!
Instead of thinking of everything you have to do in a day and the things you don’t ‘think’ you can get to, write down all your have-to’s in their time frames. Then, you will probably realize, wow I have a 2 or 3-hour time frame where I don’t have anything to do…this is where you can squeeze in that other stuff!
I am HUGE on visualization and affirmations! Be thankful for what you have and thankful for what’s to come! Conceive your desires, paint vivid mental pictures of their realization, and savor the journey. One of my favorite books is The Secret, if you haven’t read it…GO READ IT NOW!! I was first introduced to it by my dad! My dad, a forever entrepreneur and finder of hidden gems.
It opened my thought process and taught me how to visualize, how to attract things, and more! This newfound knowledge came to life at my very first conference with a direct sales company, where I clinched a staggering $10,000 Grand Prize!
A little back story, I joined this company following my husband’s first medical stent, which became a huge financial earthquake that propelled me to explore alternative income streams.
At the conference, armed with my Golden Ticket, I visualized victory. Amidst the suspenseful draw, I envisioned the triumphant walk to claim the $10,000. And when the numbers were announced, my visualization transformed into reality. I stood as the last voice in a chorus of cheers, securing an unexpected financial relief.

Tifnie with her 10K Check!!!
So, with that…I hope you take away the power of visualization. Visualize the life you want, work towards it, and let it manifest. In the meantime, watch, read or listen to The Secret!
The Secret
For the first time in history leading scientists, authors, and philosophers will reveal The Secret, a secret that utterly transformed the lives of those who lived it. Now YOU will know The Secret, and it can change your life forever.
Ah, delegation – a realm that’s a work in progress for me. My ingrained DIY attitude clashes with the reality that finding equally dedicated individuals can be a challenge. Releasing control and entrusting tasks to others requires both courage and a bit of optimism. Sometimes, you have to learn to let go of control and pass on a task to someone else, and hate to say it, but hope for the best. Maybe plan a little extra time to do a once-over of the job at hand and if not done correctly you have time to fix it and if done right, well, then you have more time to do something else.
Family – to provide a life we can enjoy together. Initially, it was the need to navigate the financial earthquake we had endured. It became a ride or die situation. We had two very young children and wanted to maintain the life we had started to build together. We weathered the storm, adapted, and rebuilt our lives after significant setbacks.
Presently, as empty nesters, my motivation centers around a freer lifestyle. Remote work is my goal, affording me the flexibility to travel and support my daughter's soccer pursuits and visit my son wherever his path takes him.
Whether in the business arena or everyday life, remember to establish goals, maintain consistency, stay organized, and visualize your aspirations. Reading motivational books like "The Secret" can provide profound insights. It's never too late to embark on a new journey. Keep your spirits high and your smiles wide!
It was a pleasure sharing my story with you. My top business tips, room for improvement, and inspirations can be utilized within anyone’s business and/or life. I can’t wait to share with you my next 321 Spotlight from another 321 Native. In the meantime, continue reading below for other helpful tips in life!

TOP 10
Success Strategies of an Entrepreneur

Have you wanted to start your own business, but just haven’t known where to start? Here are the Top 10 Tips from Forbes Magazines for entrepreneurs.
Develop a Business Plan
Be Frugal
Continuously Educate Yourself
Build a Winning Team
Find a Mind-Body-Soul Balance
Take Advantage of Free Marketing Tools
Find a Mentor
Don’t Be Afraid of Networking
Be Financially Prepared
Invest in Insurance
If you’d like to dig deeper into each of these strategies, check out this link for further information: 10 Tips For Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

How Work Ethic in Athletes Leads to SUCCESS
The definition of work ethic is the principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward.
I never feared about my skills because I put in the work. Work ethic eliminates fear. So, if you put forth the work, what are you fearing? You know what you're capable of doing and what you're not.
Have you ever been on a team where there’s always one person who is goofing off, not paying attention, and giving much less effort than everyone else? Then there’s the person who always goes the extra mile, pays attention, leads by example, and pushes themselves hard every time! The latter is the one with the work ethic.
It’s this adopted attitude which leads the greats to becoming the greatest. They push themselves to be the best, and in return, it also helps elevate the team to the next level. As the saying goes, always give your best effort and 110%! You play how you practice, make it worth it!

Parenting Success Tip

Be a Good Role Model.
Look in the mirror, is what you see what you want your child to grow up to be? If not, change it! If so, keep doing you!
You hear on the radio ad all the time, the little girl sitting next to you is watching you do this…the little boy holding your hand is watching you do that. Ask yourself, what are my kids watching ME do? How do I face problems? How do I communicate with their mother/father? How do I carry myself? How do I speak to them? It’s never too late to change if you need to.
Be the person you want THEM to be!

Life Success Tip

Learn to roll with the changes! As I’m personally entering another chapter in my life, so many circles are closing, yet I’m getting ready to create new ones. Both of my kids have now graduated high school, the last one was May of this year. With this, a BIG circle has closed for me! No more ‘school’ activities. No more volunteer hours. No more sports events with the same people I’ve shared the same sidelines with for the past 6 years!
When my baby graduated, in a sense, so did I (again…haha). I’m looking forward to the new circles I’ve created and will be creating between two different colleges and whatever adult activities I find!
Sometimes it may feel sad to close a circle, but just look forward to jumping into the new one and enjoy the ride!